10 Gender Memes to Transition to

The history of transgenderism goes back quite a long time, and now with modern science, trans people can now take hormones to match their gender identity! Whether your born sex was female and you transition to a male gender identity, the opposite, or you throw out the whole gender thing and lay somewhere in the non-binary area, these memes may be doubly appreciated by you! Just as valid as cisgendered people (those who have a gender identity that ‘fits’ with their assigned sex), trans people have their own culture and humor, and some of these memes play into that. Ifykyk! And if you don’t, the comments will happily explain things, we’re sure! So without further ado, have fun wasting your time with these trans memes!

1: No, they aren’t “transing the kids”, relax. Adults can barely get a life-changing surgery or afford their hormones. Chill.

2: Today’s charity is the National Center for Transgender Equality, which advocates to change policies and societal understandings and acceptance of transgender people!