Weekly Dose of Wholesome Memes to Pique your Happiness (Apr 20)

Welcome to Saturday, and welcome to another end of the week! Whether your week had you in over your head or it was light and easy, the end is here with the new one right around the corner. So in now-classic IWSMT fashion, it’s time to celebrate that with some good-feeling memes! From wholesome videos and wholesome stories to cute realizations and kids, the feels are here. However your week went, I hope next week goes better, and I hope that this little bit of wholesome can be the sign that you matter and that life is awesome! So enjoy wasting your time with these wholesome memes and have a good weekend 🙂

My god, I want a hug from this man byu/Sufficient-Bug-9112 inMadeMeSmile

Nothing bonds two dads more than lawn care byu/tppiel inMadeMeSmile

Grandmother creates YouTube channel to bond with grandchild byu/Hypnoidz inMadeMeSmile

When grandma and granpa visit you byu/copitamenstrual inMadeMeSmile

Not only did i marry your mom but i accepted you as my daughter byu/ybatyolo inMadeMeSmile