Weekly Dose of Wholesome to Make you Cheery (Sep 23)

It’s time again for everyone’s favorite pick-me-up and happy post of the week: your weekly dose of wholesome! This week’s edition has a lot of cute things to remind you that the world ain’t all doom and gloom! From pets being rescued and showing their appreciation, adorable children and the fun adventures they have, or even cute stories about romance between dorks! If you love funny wholesome memes, then this weekly edition is certainly something for you. So strap on in and get ready to waste some time with these lovely posts to restore faith in humanity, even though times can be bleak!

I have a joke for you byu/Silent_Assasin14 inMadeMeSmile

Behind the scenes of Harry Potter byu/Finn_Flame inMadeMeSmile

Adorable Rescued Dog Saying Thanks byu/RunKind4141 inMadeMeSmile

Daddy-daughter camping trip byu/No-Reputation-4869 inMadeMeSmile