10 Amazing LEGO Creations that Wasted their Builder’s Time (Gloriously)

LEGO has been a global phenomenon for decades at this point. The building block company has partnered with many brands and created thousands of sets spanning many forms of fiction and nonfiction. One of the best things is that you can deconstruct your builds and make something your own, adding your own creativity to the mix to improve or generate a completely new thing! For some people it may be a spaceship, and for others it may be a car. But for these builders, some of them spent dozens or hundreds of hours placing thousands upon thousands of bricks! You may not have built a 1-ton pharaoh with LEGO (like below), but no doubt you’ll still be impressed with these creations as they expertly waste your time!

Do you want to play with my Motorized Steampunk Shyship? by u/Castor-Troy-France in LegoCreations