10 Funny AI Responses & Fails to Prove We Still Have a Long Way to Go

There’s been a massive surge in interest in AI, Machine Learning, and various other forms of advanced tech stuff in the last few years. While Microsoft’s OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Dall-E seem to remain the top of the line, other companies have debuted or even forced their AI into the hands of consumers. All of this has BLASTED NVidia’s stock price to explosive heights (which is pretty handy because it’s pretty much the only thing holding the U.S. savings/retirement plans intact), and while these systems do have the capability to help people and bolster them in areas of life, there still remains a lot of issues to work out. This list is primarily full of those such things, from generating working Win95 codes (and then lying about it) to completely misunderstanding how to spell a word, AI still emphasizes the ‘artificial’ part of the title. So what better way to waste your time than to waste your time with people wasting their time on things that are supposed to help us waste less time?